Daisy got bored when covid ate her job and did a lot of reading. She got rather annoyed with some of the things she was reading, so she started writing instead. Vivian was born from a fit of pique, she's not the only one with a temper.
Daisy lives with her husband and two cats (one of whom thinks she's a tiger) in a shoebox apartment and her personal time zone is somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
When not writing, reading, or working; Daisy plays video games, tries to convince people that five miles is "just down the street," and visits art museums the way that some people visit churches.
She also cooks, but don't get too excited, she never does the dishes. Daisy's real name is not Daisy, mostly because she has a job (you could always buy more books). For whatever reason "Werewolf Romance Novels" are not considered "professional."
Follow her on Facebook or GoodReads to see what sort of trouble Vivian and her chosen family get into (and out of) next.